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Book Blog of a Hufflepuff

I an artist that loves and adores reading! I mostly read romance novels, YA, and graphic novels/manga, but will occasionally stray to other genres as well. I also read tons of fanfiction ;)


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The Last Hour of Gann
R. Lee Smith
Highland Destiny
Laura Hunsaker
Highland Hunger
Hannah Howell, Michele Sinclair, Jackie Ivie
A Witch's Beauty
Joey W. Hill
Once Burned
Jeaniene Frost
City of Fallen Angels
Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Prince
Cassandra Clare
The Nymph King
Gena Showalter
The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien, Michael Hague
Anne McCaffrey, Sally Darling

Once Bitten, Twice Burned

Once Bitten, Twice Burned - Cynthia Eden I loved this book so very much! I was so anxious to read it, I ended up signing up for a free trial of Amazon Unlimited just so I could read it (instead of having to wait to have it shipped).

Sabine and Ryder were such a dynamic couple! He's so strong and sure, and she's so new to this world, and what's going on. I loved their chemistry!

Can I also mention, that I loved the different scenes that took place in this book versus the first? And you got so much more out of the book because of this, if you read the first one too. What I mean - without trying to being too spoilery - is there are scenes that either feature Ryder, or are from his POV, briefly in book 1. And in this book, while Eden touches on a few of them that happened again in this book, in more detail, she doesn't go over each and every one of them again, choosing to create new ones instead. Does that make sense?

(SPOILER) For example: In book one, when Ryder is following Cain and Eve to the second lab to find Sabine, he kills the man at the hotel that had drugged and captured him, sending him to Genesis. All this was from his POV. In this book, Ryder only mentions it briefly in passing to Sabine. Or when Cain and Eden encounter Ryder in the club when searching for a lead to find Wyatt - that scene wasn't in the second book. But if you read the books in order, you got so much more of a backstory to what Ryder went through to get Sabine back. Eden didn't make us go through those experiences again, because they were already done in book 1. There are several scenes like that, and I appreciate it more because of it. (END SPOILER)

Anyway, I LOVED this book! The characters were great, and I can't wait to read book 3! :)