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Book Blog of a Hufflepuff

I an artist that loves and adores reading! I mostly read romance novels, YA, and graphic novels/manga, but will occasionally stray to other genres as well. I also read tons of fanfiction ;)


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Currently reading

The Last Hour of Gann
R. Lee Smith
Highland Destiny
Laura Hunsaker
Highland Hunger
Hannah Howell, Michele Sinclair, Jackie Ivie
A Witch's Beauty
Joey W. Hill
Once Burned
Jeaniene Frost
City of Fallen Angels
Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Prince
Cassandra Clare
The Nymph King
Gena Showalter
The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien, Michael Hague
Anne McCaffrey, Sally Darling

Eternal Rider

Eternal Rider - Larissa Ione I had a lot of people recommend this book/series, and overall I felt the book was ok. The beginning chapters were very hard for me to get through - everything was way to descriptive, to the point it was unnecessary and all the information became almost too much. I kept pushing through though, and was happy I did. The last 2/3 of the book is great! I really started liking the characters, especially Cara, and was on the edge of my seat the last few chapters. Cara's development in particular was great to see! I would have given the book a 5 star rating had it not been for the beginning - I seriously almost gave up on it. So, for those who didn't like the beginning - keep pushing through, the book gets MUCH better!