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Book Blog of a Hufflepuff

I an artist that loves and adores reading! I mostly read romance novels, YA, and graphic novels/manga, but will occasionally stray to other genres as well. I also read tons of fanfiction ;)


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Currently reading

The Last Hour of Gann
R. Lee Smith
Highland Destiny
Laura Hunsaker
Highland Hunger
Hannah Howell, Michele Sinclair, Jackie Ivie
A Witch's Beauty
Joey W. Hill
Once Burned
Jeaniene Frost
City of Fallen Angels
Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Prince
Cassandra Clare
The Nymph King
Gena Showalter
The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien, Michael Hague
Anne McCaffrey, Sally Darling

The Darkest Lie

The Darkest Lie - Gena Showalter Compared to the other books in the series, this one took me a while to get in to - I'll admit it. While I liked Gideon, and adored Scarlet, it just didn't click with me at first. I kept reading though, because I love this series and Gena is a genius. I was so glad I did.

I think my Kindle told me I was around 20% into the book when it got GOOD. The story just started coming together, and development happens...I can't go much without being spoiler-y, but man, I ended up LOVING the book!!!

(And I think it took me a while to get in to it only because you're as confused as Gideon is about what is going on. Once a few clues get thrown at you, things start filling in and just, it's AWESOME!)

And can I go on about how cool Scarlet is? Not only is she totally a BAMF, but I laughed and cried and raged all the way with her. She's a totally loveable character. And Gideon had me aww-ing and giggling and laughing all the way. An emotional rollercoaster, this book was! But I loved it for that reason.

So, keep trucking thru the first chapter or so if you struggle with it. It's so worth it :)