Compared to the other books in the series, this one took me a while to get in to - I'll admit it. While I liked Gideon, and adored Scarlet, it just didn't click with me at first. I kept reading though, because I love this series and Gena is a genius. I was so glad I did.
I think my Kindle told me I was around 20% into the book when it got GOOD. The story just started coming together, and development happens...I can't go much without being spoiler-y, but man, I ended up LOVING the book!!!
(And I think it took me a while to get in to it only because you're as confused as Gideon is about what is going on. Once a few clues get thrown at you, things start filling in and just, it's AWESOME!)
And can I go on about how cool Scarlet is? Not only is she totally a BAMF, but I laughed and cried and raged all the way with her. She's a totally loveable character. And Gideon had me aww-ing and giggling and laughing all the way. An emotional rollercoaster, this book was! But I loved it for that reason.
So, keep trucking thru the first chapter or so if you struggle with it. It's so worth it :)