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Book Blog of a Hufflepuff

I an artist that loves and adores reading! I mostly read romance novels, YA, and graphic novels/manga, but will occasionally stray to other genres as well. I also read tons of fanfiction ;)


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The Last Hour of Gann
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Highland Destiny
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Highland Hunger
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A Witch's Beauty
Joey W. Hill
Once Burned
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City of Fallen Angels
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Clockwork Prince
Cassandra Clare
The Nymph King
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The Hobbit
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Anne McCaffrey, Sally Darling

Accidentally Married to...A Vampire? (Accidentally Yours)

Accidentally Married to...A Vampire? (Accidentally Yours) - Mimi Jean Pamfiloff I received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads! This is my honest review of the book :)

This is my first time reading one of Pamfiloff's books, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! So much in fact, that I ended up spending my whole day off, from morning until night, to finish it. I couldn't put it down!

I actually really liked how the book started out. Niccolo, our vampire-hero, finds a goddess to help him get out of his crazy queen's rule. However, she's a bit fuzzy on the details and well...knocks him out. Then modern times roll around and Helena comes along and...you'll just have to read the book!

Helena was a great character. I truly loved how she stood up for herself to not only Niccolo, but other vamps in his army, as well as other characters that come 'round later (no spoilers!). She takes life in her own hands, and doesn't let others make the decision for her. And I LOVE her career choice! Smart heroines are always a bonus!

And then there's Niccolo, who you love to hate. Or hate to love? Either way, I think you get the idea. He's a great character, but so stubborn and thick headed sometimes you just want to throttle him. Or hold your head and sigh. Or beat him over the head a couple of times and tell him to BE NICE and THINK BEFORE YOU SAY THINGS. To give him credit, he's not used to any of this either, haha!

The only thing that kept holding me up was how fast their relationship developed. BUT - to give the book credit, both Helena and Niccolo mention this MANY times throughout the book - especially Helena. She's confused why they're moving so fast, bonding so quickly, and questions her decisions involving Niccolo at times. There are several reasons for the quick development of feelings, and they do get explained in the book - it was just a little hard to grasp at at times. I also thought the ending got summed up a little too quickly, but it was still satisfying! (I also think I didn't want the book to end and just wanted to keep reading.) Those are the the only reasons I didn't give it a full 5 star review.

All in all, I loved the story, and I loved the characters. I will definitely be picking up the others in the series as well! Mimi Jean Pamfiloff has gained another raving fan! :)